October 22, 2024


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At the end of the day, every individual, every worker and every citizen, aspires for a decent living which can only be achieved with better remuneration and other better conditions of service, which in our case as nurses and midwives of Ghana are not the best when compared to our counterparts in high-income earning countries.
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The attention of the leadership of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association, the Trade Union that holds the Collective Bargaining Certificate on behalf of nurses and midwives in Ghana, has been drawn to the newly approved fee for verification of licenses by the Parliament of Ghana which is in the course of being implemented by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana.

Before 8th March 2024, the amount a nurse or midwife had to pay for this service was Five Hundred and Fifty Ghana Cedis (GHC550.00). It is therefore highly unacceptable to have this fee increased to Three Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHC3,000.00), which is a 445.5% increment from the previous amount.

If the huge increment in the verification fee is an attempt to curtail the emigration of nurses and midwives, then we find it unfortunate because migration is the right of every worker and as a nation we must avert our minds to the reasons why these professionals are emigrating to the high-income earning countries rather than institute policies that make the life of the worker more unbearable.

At the end of the day, every individual, every worker and every citizen, aspires for a decent living which can only be achieved with better remuneration and other better conditions of service, which in our case as nurses and midwives of Ghana are not the best when compared to our counterparts in high-income earning countries.

Considering the current economic difficulties in terms of increased cost of goods and services, inflation and the fact that our “take home salaries” are actually not “taking us home”, we wish to state as follows:

1 . The Nursing and Midwifery Council should suspend the implementation of this new verification fee with immediate effect.

  • The Parliament of Ghana, as a matter of urgency and consideration for the plight of Ghanaian nurses and midwives, should look into this matter and revert to the old fees. If indeed any such increment must happen, we wish to humbly inform Parliament that we the nurses and midwives of Ghana can accommodate a maximum of 25% increment.
  • All nurses and midwives are advised not to pay the new verification fee of GHC3,000 and are further advised to hold themselves in readiness for any action that the leadership will deem fit in the event where this matter is not resolved amicably.

        By Richard Koomson | mediacentralonline.info |Ghana
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