October 22, 2024
Home , Glaucoma Week Celebration

Glaucoma Week Celebration

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Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which results in gradual and progressive destruction of the optic nerves with a characteristic optic neuropathy and associated irreversible visual function loss.

It is caused by obstruction of flow of the aqueous humor from posterior chamber to the anterior chamber.

It is the leading cause of irreversible blindness.


1.Raised intraocular pressure >21mmhg

2.Ageing 40+

3.Family history

4.Black race

5.Thinner central cornea(540u)

6.HPT/DM/Anaemia during pregnancy

7.Prolong use of steroids


9. previous eye injury


Glaucoma is asymptomatic. When the optic nerves are getting destroyed then one complains of :

1.gradual loss of vision (blurred vision)

2.peripheral loss of vision

3.bumping into things


1.medical Eg timolol




1.Since glaucoma is asymptomatic its best to a regular comprehensive eye exam at most every two years.

2. When one has glaucoma, a family member can also get it hence every person in the family needs to be screened.

    3.Intake of healthy meals especially fruits and vegetables which are high in vitamin A and C eg. green leafy vegetables, carrot, berries citrus fruit, avocado, cauliflower cucumber

    4. If you being treated for glaucoma, be sure to take your glaucoma medication everyday and see your eye care professional regularly.

    Source : Mrs. Juliet Addy – Ophthalmic Nurse.
    Ghana Health Service.

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