October 22, 2024


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Judicial service staff have been charged to work diligently and also exhibit high levels of professionalism in the discharge of their duties…

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Judicial service staff have been charged to work diligently and also exhibit high levels of professionalism in the discharge of their duties in order to give hope to the distressed who rely on the court.

They have also been admonished to shun away from harassment and extortion of court clients. Chief Justice Anin Yeboah gave the advice when he commissioned a new High Court complex in Kasoa.

The newly constructed Kasoa High Court located at Ofaakor in the Awutu Senya East Municipality of the Central Region is expected to save court clients from long distance to either Agona Swedru or Winneba for high adjudication.

Clients were mostly confronted with huge transport costs and the inconvenience of long travels and mostly got demotivated to use the courts as means of settling disputes.

Commissioning the Kasoa High Court which has come to add up to the already existing District and Magistrate Courts in the enclave, Justice Kwasi-Anin Yeboah, the Chief Justice of Ghana remarked the need for befitting court houses and he added that the new project will help offload the Winneba and Swedru High Courts and ensure faster delivery of justice.

He announced that the Kasoa District Court would later this year be retooled to serve as a child friendly gender based court to handle domestic violence cases which is on the rise in the enclave.

The Chief Justice however admonished court staff to be diligent and professional in the discharge of their duties.

He described as cruel all acts of harassment, threats and extortion of court clients since court clients are mostly physically and emotionally distressed and looks up to the court for hope.

Justice Anin Yeboah however encouraged the public to stand firm and refuse to yield to unlawful demands from judicial service staff and also not hesitate from reporting such conducts for perpetrators to be dealt with by the judicial council.

On her part , Anita Love Obo Amissah, the Awutu Senya East MCE while underscoring the vital need for conflict resolution expressed believe that the court would help cater for the judicial needs of residents of the area.

She says the Assembly is inspired by the Local Government Act which mandates Assemblies to provide ready access to court for the promotion of justice

By Richard Koomson| mediacentralonline.info |Ghana

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