October 22, 2024
Home , School Feeding Secretariat PRO Must Be Changed for Gross Incompetence

School Feeding Secretariat PRO Must Be Changed for Gross Incompetence

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I am not particularly concerned about the political affiliation of Alfa Siiba, the Head of Public Relations, Ghana School Feeding Secretariat.
The School Feeding Secretariat has people of diverse political backgrounds working there, and that’s fine because this is how almost all other agencies of government are structured.
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I am not particularly concerned about the political affiliation of Alfa Siiba, the Head of Public Relations, Ghana School Feeding Secretariat.

The School Feeding Secretariat has people of diverse political backgrounds working there, and that’s fine because this is how almost all other agencies of government are structured.

What I am concerned about is the ineptitude and incompetence with which he handles his affairs at the Secretariat.

For the records, he was employed in the outfit some 17 years ago. His lethargic style and deficiencies in communicating the issues of the Secretariat did not start from today.

He was so incompetent that when Otiko Djaba was appointed to man the Gender Ministry as Minister, an outfit which has a supervisory authority over the School Feeding Secretariat, she saw the need to sack Alfa Siba.

He got sacked not for his political beliefs which were alien to those of the NPP, but because he has a complete sloth as the PRO of the Secretariat.

It was until Mrs Quarshigah was appointed as the National Coordinator for the School Feeding Secretariat that she brought this man back.

One would expect that the number of years he has spent at the outfit would have helped him to gain experience and improve his skills.

However, with how he has been handling the concerns of the aggrieved caterers and the disastrous interview he granted to Philip Osei Bonsu on Ekosiisen, it is high time he was changed as the Secretariat’s PRO.

If the School Feeding Secretariat doesn’t see the need to reshuffle this square peg in a round hole kind of PRO, the Gender Minister must do so lest he would aggravate the issues the caterers have with the government.

His revoltingly gross expletive on Asempa FM’s Ekosiisen this afternoon leaves so much to be desired. He is not fit for purpose.

P.K. Sarpong,

Whispers from the Corridors of the Thinking Place.

Richard Koomson| mediacentralonline.info |Ghana
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