October 22, 2024


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Episode Two.

Daphne’s statement, the child is not yours, came back to him with a volcanic force. It caused destruction to his thinking faculty.

Nothing was as hurtful as that statement from Daph. It was like a venomous poison delivered by a bee. After all the struggles, the pains, the insults, the rejection he had suffered from many people around and far away from him, this was the least he expected from Daphne.


He took a trip down memory lane against his better judgement. It was an accident scene. The collision between the two cars could be heard from a distant area.

George was not too far away. At a point, he thought all the passengers had perished. He nearly concentrated on the emergency call he was making to the police about the accident and how no one had survived.

Like a magnet, something pushed George to get closer. “God, save me! Somebody, help! I am dying ooo…..” someone was in there, alive.

The driver’s side of the car had its door locked. The lady was too weak to push open the door. The other side was not reachable to her because the passenger’s seat had blocked it.

Blood was flowing from the other saloon car which indicated that all those in it were dead. There was a strong smell of petrol and that meant the cars could catch fire. That would be unfortunate, George murmured to himself.

No one was coming. Help was nowhere to be found. He was helpless and looked at the lady hopelessly as she cried for help. “Please, help me, gentleman” she wailed.

George was thinking about what to do to rescue her before the cars would catch fire. He was hitting his head with his palms, in his helpless state.

An idea occurred to him. He ran around frantically looking for an object strong enough to crack either the windscreen or the glass of the door. He saw a big stick.

It was heavy, much heavier than he presumed. A life was at stake. He rushed to the car and hit the windscreen with the stick. It caved in and he reached out to her.

In her weakened state, she was finding it difficult to reach out to his hand. From the periphery of his left eye, he could see a fire had started. Fear gripped him. He plunged himself inside the car and held her hand and dragged her out.

Hardly had they left the car when the fire engulfed the lady’s vehicle. Sirens were soon heard and two ambulances reached the scene. The lady was unconscious halfway through the journey to Holy Family Hospital.


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