October 22, 2024


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“Men do not cheat because they don’t love their women. Cheating, to men, has nothing to do with love. There are several other reasons for a man to cheat even though he may love his woman deeply”.

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(Episode Six)

P.K. Sarpong (Whispers).

George got into a taxi and went home.

“Two weeks have passed and this lady hasn’t called to apologize for that level of disrespect towards me” he said to himself. Well, why would she even bother? We are poles apart in terms of social class. Let me mind my business, he concludes in his mind.

Three days later, she called. George ignored it. She called ten times within an hour. He ignored them. She sent messages. He did not read them. The calls ceased.

The next day, she called as many times as possible but George did nothing about them. Neither had he read the text and WhatsApp messages let alone responded to them.

He was tempted to read one of the WhatsApp messages:

“George, I am sorry my anger got the better side of me. I should have listened to you. Leaving you behind was unpardonable. I am sorry. Forgive me, please! I feel so bad about it. George, try to find a place in your heart to forgive me for mistreating you the way I did. I am on my knees” the message read.

George sent her a message. “It’s okay. I have forgiven you”

In a matter of ten minutes, Daphne was with him. She still felt awkward about how she handled the situation with Louis. He held her hands and assured her of his forgiveness. She could muster a smile at his assurance.

“The thing is, I am kind of betrothed to Louis. We’ve been childhood friends but our families decided that we should get married and we have been seeing each other for a while. I fell in love with him along the line and I thought he also loved me. I was wrong” she said, looking at her clasped hands.

“Maybe you are wrong about him. Maybe he loves you too”. Daphne looked at him with shock. “How could he have cheated on me with another girl if he loves me?”

“Men do not cheat because they don’t love their women. Cheating, to men, has nothing to do with love. There are several other reasons for a man to cheat even though he may love his woman deeply”.

“Can you give me some of the reasons? Does it also mean that you have been cheating on your girlfriend as well?” She asked, teasingly.

“Well, I will give you some of the reasons later. On my part, I am single. Have been single for over a year now. A saint I am not, but I am very decent when it comes to such matters”

Daphne was shocked. “You are single? Such a handsome boy like you and you say you are single. Is it that you are a misogynist or you weed on Tuesdays?” She laughed and he joined in the laughter.

Daphne’s mum appeared there just before George was about to respond to her.

“Didn’t I warn you to stay away from this boy? Why are you giving me and your father unnecessary troubles? You prefer to be with this classless boy than the well-bred, well-cultured and rich Louis from a rich family? Come on. Let’s go!”

Turning to George, she looked at him sternly and said “This is your last warning! You will not like me the next time I see you with my daughter! You filthy rat!”


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